My sister asked me if I was going to choose a "food" theme for my blog, advising that tangled webs and butterfly flits were kind of a "yuck" factor if I so chose that route. I, whole heartedly, agreed on that. It made me think about what I would discuss. I did not want to be confined to a particular genre. I guess I hate structure. (To a fault - which probably explains why I am consistently inconsistent!).
I started analyzing my choice of title for my blog.
Tangled Webs - I see life as a tangle of many webs. The web of our familial ties, friendships, life choices, life changes. Just as in nature...we each have are own web, some are simple in design, discreetly and poignantly organized - amazingly complex yet beautiful in structure and then there are those webs that look like utter chaos, afterthoughts, results of poor choices, directed by outside influences with threads that lead to points unknown or unwelcomed and sometimes ending nowhere. We try to plan our lives and may have some success. There are those out there who have amazingly, at least in appearance, beautiful glorious webs with the proper connections heading in the proper directions. And, there are the webs that are tangled, snarled, threading us along in directions unknown and sometimes unwanted.
Have you ever examined a spider's web? You have those spiders that have those tangled webs, all snarly, some dangling broken connections....yet there's that one precious thread that holds it all together. That one crucial silken line of security, strength and tenacity that keeps the spider's world connected. And then there are the "orb" spiders....they have those beautiful, well designed webs where they perch in the very center ....all threads connected and evenly balanced to the point where, if one thread is touched - it affects the whole web. (webs with "Zen") There's "feng in their shue".
I guess that's why I see such an analogy of webs to our lives. How often do you hear that "one is the master of their destiny"...that you are in control of where your life goes (there are no "accidents"). All I can say to those people is..."You must have an extremely simple, well-structured, STRONG web". Because, just as with the spider's web..anything can fly into it, alter the threads, change your design, direction or even destroy it. And you have to rebuild - and it won't be exactly like your first web. Or you may be fortunate in being able to mend it..but it will still have different threads, different connections. AND, there's nothing, no one to's just....LIFE! And how you repair it or rebuild it is determined by your environment as much as (sometimes more) than your self or being.
Just speculation and contemplations.
As for the Butterfly flits. I, at first, was thinking mostly of my random thinking. My family calls it attention deficit....I just think my brain runs so fast sometimes and I try to take it all in at once, I don't want to miss a thing! But also, butterfly flits....means to me, the very tiny things - minutiae - like ideas, that can grow and become something that changes or alters our lives, our environment. Like the metaphor of the butterfly effect, in the fluttering of wings creating a change that could alter the climate or atmosphere.
I think I will keep my title.
Hey! I thought I was the bug freak in the family! lol. Beautifully written; well said. Can't wait to see where the next strand of web leads. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the morale boost! I was worried I was being too don't always feel very confident about my "heartspeak". :)